057 933 0782
[email protected]

Unit 4, Sragh Business Park, Sragh Avenue, Tullamore, Co. Offaly R35 X2N5



Our Confined Space Rescue Team will prepare all necessary documentation prior to the Confined Space Entry such as Method Statements, Risk Assessments, SSWPs, Permits.

Our Confined Space Rescue Team has all the equipment needed for a safe rescue should the need arise such as Breathing Apparatus (SCBA, Trailer, Trolley), Gas Monitors, Radio Communication, Stretcher, First Aid Kit, Fire Extinguishers, etc.

“Confined spaces are significantly more hazardous than normal workplaces. The hazards involved may not be unique to confined spaces, but are always exacerbated by the enclosed nature of the confined space. The resulting injuries are potentially fatal. A seemingly insignificant error or oversight while working in a confined space can result in a tragic accident. Furthermore there is a propensity for multiple casualties due to the insidious nature of the hazards.” – HSA Code of Practice for Working in
Confined Spaces 2017.

“Whenever work in a confined space is carried out, arrangements that are suitable and sufficient for the rescue of persons in the event of an emergency therein must be in place.” – HSA Code of Practice for Working in Confined Spaces 2017.

Don’t take any chances with your staff during Confined Space Entry contact us for a quotation for our Stand By Confined Space Rescue Team.

Check out the complete range of Equipment for all your requirements.

Contact us now for a quotation!